Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Guess what I'm doing.
-by me


  1. hint: what would aLeX enjoy doing at 10:20 pm? starts with a P.

  2. Practicing!!!!!! Am I right???

  3. Oh...maybe it was posting on his blog "Grin"

  4. Well, I am sure it is practicing. Hopefully, you are getting your homework done also. I know you practice since you kept me up til 4:00 am at Wintergrass practicing. It sure was beautiful though but this old Grandma needs sleep sometimes. Keep practicing to the glory of God Alex. Love you, Grandma Dot

  5. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzProbably sleeping!Very sincerely

  6. Hey Alex!

    I feel honored to have a pic on the side of your blog! Where is that picture from? Is it from the tourney last year? It must have been...becuase Tait doesn't have his hat. :-)

    Have a great night! Practice hard now. :-) -Victoria

  7. Uhhh... well, you should be doing homework from Omnibus but you are probably going to try and practice your fiddle at least for 3 hours before you start that so... you're probably eating? Haha...

    See ya tonight, at least I think:D


  8. I feel you were pondering whether you should practice or not cause your fidle is not in your hands in this pic? Looks like it is on your floor? Am i right lol? So I again I say you were pondering on whether to practice or not... Love you....
