Saturday, August 18, 2007

Me and Des... Me and Alex...

Well, I'm here (It's Destiny writing) on Alex's blog... FUN!!! It took along time to find this picture... I mean loooong time:) Okay, (probably) posting on Alex's blog:( BYE!!!

Well, this is the first time any one (that I know of) has posted on my blog, interesting experience. Well the Kruse's came over for dinner and we have been having a great time.
well gotta go,Farewell! <><><><><> [][][][][][{}{}}{}}++++++++=======ha!


  1. Glad you all had a nice time...

  2. the fair maiden strikes again ;)

  3. I wonder who that cousin will be. They are all so wonderful. I love your blog with all the music. You keep practicing as I know you will. I see David had you has the cousin of the week. Go to my new blog Grandma of Many (grandmaofmanyblogspot)

    Love you,

    Grandma Dot

  4. Alex. Your funny. It's neat that you are growing so much. As am I. Thanks for having me as your cousin of the week. It's really thoughtful of you and it's such an honour :O)

    Hope to see you soon.

  5. I can see why you picked David as your favorite cousin of the week.

    I like your blog Alex. Keep practicing that fiddle too!

    David's been helping me with my blog so maybe you should go and check it out.

    Grandpa Ken

  6. You guys are so funny!

  7. When are you going to post.

  8. Hey Alex, are you sure that it's not cousin of the MONTH!!! Haha:D
